Additional Academic Supports

While many students will benefit from a traditional public school experience, there are students who do not find success within a traditional large academic setting.

Students who need a smaller academic environment and/or smaller classes with low student/teacher ratios, or those students who need more attentive relationships with teachers, are a good fit at Clark. Clark is also understanding of students who have wrestled with anxiety-based school refusal. Although Clark is not a “therapeutic” school, the individualized attention and therapeutic environment sets Clark apart from traditional, as well as alternative schools, allowing students to make effective and meaningful progress academically, socially, and emotionally. Clark is flexible as well as structured and academically challenging.

Students of various abilities, from supported to twice-exceptional or gifted, co-exist on a day-to-day basis. They share ideas, classes, extracurriculars, and friendships. The hierarchies and peer-based pecking orders that often exist in other schools do not exist at Clark. Clark provides students with individualized attention to address students’ unique profiles and to celebrate their differences, in a no-bullying atmosphere.

We strive to work with both the families and district staff to be the best placement for a student. We communicate and collaborate to create a successful experience while meeting the needs of both the district and the family. We have rooms available on our campus for district-provided services the student may need, as well as a flexible schedule, if services can only be provided during the school day. Clark School is not a “766 school”. A student graduating from Grade 12 will receive a Clark School Diploma upon successful completion. If the district needs a student to take the MCAS Tests, Clark will excuse the student from classes to take the test at a school in his or her district.

Additional Services Offered


Fee in addition to standard tuition - please request a quote

Clark School’s Bell Program is a structured, academic support period built into a student’s schedule. This program provides students more time in the school day to work on school assignments in a guided setting. A small group of students will meet with a Bell Program teacher daily to work on academic assignments. Bell Program is offered to students in Grades 3 through 12.


Student meets with a learning center staff member in a small group setting of 1-3 students.

Student takes 3-4 core academic classes (M, W, F).

Student has 2-3 Directed Learning periods (M, W, F).

Student takes 1 elective course (T, Th).

Student has 1 Directed Learning period (T, Th).

Student has 1 block meeting daily with the Bell Program teacher in small-group setting receiving academic support.

Assignment focus of Bell Program includes working on projects, essays, and daily work.

Additional time is provided to work on assignments and more student-specific curriculum modification is made available.

Students may receive optional test/quiz pull out, as well.


Grades 7 & 8

The Bell Program teacher meets with subject area teachers to modify, alter, support, and plan various assignments and assessments for each student as needed.

The Bell Program teacher helps to organize digital and physical materials, and provides other Executive Functioning supports as needed.

Assignment focus of Bell Program includes working on projects, essays, and daily work. Students may receive test/quiz pull out, as well.

Task initiation and follow-through (including online turn-in) is monitored and supported.

Homework planning and prioritizing is supported, including frequent communication with parents to create a strong bridge between home and school supports.

Students are enrolled in a reduced elective schedule to accommodate Bell Program and Directed Learning sessions throughout the week.


Grades 3 through 6

Students meet with the Bell Program teacher in a small group setting of 1-3 students multiple times per week, schedule dependent.

The Bell Program teacher meets with subject area teachers to modify, alter, support, and plan various assignments and assessments for each student as needed.

The Bell Program teacher helps to organize digital and physical materials, and provides other Executive Functioning supports as needed.

Assignment focus of Bell Program includes working on projects, essays, and daily work. Students may receive test/quiz pull out, as well.

Task initiation and follow-through (including online turn-in) is monitored and supported.

Homework planning and prioritizing is supported, including frequent communication with parents to create a strong bridge between home and school supports.

Student meets with a learning center staff member in a small group setting of 1-3 students.

More information on Tuition and Financial Aid can be found here.

Service costs subject to change.


Fee in addition to standard tuition - please request a quote

Your student will work 1:1 with our reading specialist who is certified in Wilson and Orton-Gillingham, as well as Clark School’s proprietary reading program.


Annually, in addition to standard tuition

Clark School currently offers four transportation routes from Haverhill/Amesbury/Methuen, Swampscott/Salem/Beverly, Danvers/Lynnfield/Burlington, and North Andover. Each route stops at one central location per town. More information can be found on the Parent Portal.


Clark works with students in the classroom as well as small groups to create and work through their individual profile. Our social pragmatics program has been embedded in Clark’s day-to-day program for 40 years. Our welcoming environment complements our community and is one of our most celebrated successes.


Fee in addition to standard tuition - please request a quote

Please see our Summer Academic Programming page for more information.


Fee in addition to standard tuition - please contact Castle Hill to request a quote

Castle Hill has the knowledge to create and implement the clinical “road map” that will address the challenges that you, your family and your student are facing. Castle Hill uses a non-traditional clinical approach that is focused on renewing and strengthening relationships through communication, learning, understanding, and a solutions-based approach. Learn more at


Possible fee regardless of Clark School - please contact the vendor for more information

If your student is currently receiving services, Clark School has the ability to work with outside specialists and providers in order to service our students’ needs, including Speech and Language, OT, and PT. These services can be provided at Clark School or at an off-campus location (if off-site, transportation is not provided by Clark).

 Please contact our admissions department or call us at 978-777-4699 ext. 112 with any questions or for more information on any of our additional services.